Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Laser Dump and a Print

The laser made easy work of Christmas gifts for family and friends. These first ones have the family crest engraved on some glasses. You can see the super sculpey being put to good use, propping up the glass. The design was etched using a low power setting, rasterizing each line. The curvature wasn't too bad, so I didn't have to use the rotary axis for these. Just had to make sure they were perpendicular to the laser travel and level-ish. Pro tip, etching glass with a laser doesn't give off smoke, but it's important to keep the ventilation system running to suck up those microscopic glass particles. 

Here are a couple white elephant coasters for the gift exchange with friends. My partner helped draw the geometric shapes, while I finished it off in Inkscape to create the negative space for Totoro. The eyes, nose, and belly pattern were rasterized, the rest vectors for speed. It's difficult to clean out the tiny charred gaps with alcohol, but a coating of matte acrylic helps cover it up and prevent moisture from damaging the wood when in use.

 Some Alien themed coasters for my brothers. The middle one is actually Ripley holding Jones, the cat. Didn't turn out very well. Rasterizing these things always takes way too much time.

Got to use the rotary axis on a glass soda water bottle. The glass is full of distortions, which means the design is difficult to see. I also found out the motor was wired backward, causing the design to flip. Fortunately with this design, you can't tell. I've since fixed the issue. You can see how easy it is to set up. Just plug in and flip the switch. I'm currently building a plotter attachment that will involve more holes in the side of the case. 

Tiny antlion guard from Half-life 2, about 1.5 inches tall and painted. Printed this with my new Wanhao D7. It's quite different than the Pegasus Touch, but I've learned the quirks. Like, using the supplied flash drive is a bad idea and freezes the print mid way, and using a power line filter and ferrite cores are important so turning on the laundry machines don't crash a print. Kinda important. This is exactly why I want an oscilloscope, to confirm I'm not crazy. Love the printer though.