Friday, November 4, 2016

Side Project - Black Widow (Mass Effect)

A little side project I did for a coworker. He really wanted the black widow from Mass Effect, so I modeled, printed, and painted an 11-inch version. The wax based paint I started with didn't pan out at all, so I removed it and used acrylics. The artificial paint chipping effect was achieved by lightly painting Vaseline to the corners, then airbrushing black on top of the silver.

Control Box (Cont.)

After a long hiatus from working on the CNC control box, I ordered some proper drivers and set out to make it happen. I've now got the motors spinning when plugged into the front ports, simply by pressing a key on my keyboard. Now I need the machine...

Should have looked like this.

Ended up like this.

But it has a pretty face.