Monday, December 7, 2015

Octo Air Frame on the Cheap (cont.)

(left) This is a preview of the battery mount system I'm coming up with. It will strap down the huge 20 amp battery on rails so it can adjust for balance. I may use a plate to keep the battery from wobbling. The frame is tiny in comparison to the battery size. Though all of the electronics (also modeled in color) will have ample room, and all the wiring will sit within the frame itself, keeping clutter to a minimum.

 Above is the gimbal I received in the mail today. It's fairly cheap, but the motors seem appropriately sized. I'll have to modify the way the connections are made because I don't trust my screw tightening skills to keep my camera from falling a hundred feet. Maybe drill some holes in the CF and use zip ties to keep everything together. The electronics and battery are on their way, at which point I'll test and calibrate the system.

Teaser photo showing the overall diameter of the octocopter. The CF rods are just long enough that the 12-inch propellers can be swapped out for 15-inch ones, in case I need the extra thrust.